Redeeming the Time
- On 08/05/2020
"Day 52 of my captivity" makes me think of the infamous "Sad Cat Diary" that has over 29 million views on YouTube ( Happily, my confinement appears to be drawing to an end. I admit there have been days that were frustrating... especially those beautiful spring days when I would have loved to wander freely on my Griso in this gorgeous region of France. And having to print out and sign an official document each time I wanted to go out to stretch my legs or pick up groceries has been annoying. And then there is this blog. I have not felt like I have had much to say that would interest those who read it- so I have remained silent. Today it's time to shake off the cobwebs.
Despite my not being talkative, I have not been idle during these two months. From day one I set several goals I hoped to achieve (which admittedly, I thought would last at most 3 weeks!), namely: Improve my drumming, learn Italian and be in better shape. I am happy to say that I have accomplished every goal. I am a much better drum player today and I practice an hour daily. I speak Italian better thanks to a GREAT teacher™. And I'm in better shape than I was 8 weeks ago. I can run farther, I can do more pull-ups (10 at last count) and I've lost 6 pounds. No bingeing on Haagen-Dazs Macadamia Brittle ice cream while sobbing over Netflix for me.
And I prefer to count my blessings rather than ruminate on the negatives: I live in a beautiful small village. As of this date, no one here has been diagnosed with the virus. What a blessing! As for my job, I've gradually been able to teach some of my students using Zoom; this been a great learning experience; both for me and for them. Another plus has been the cat that adopted me 4 years ago. Normally quite indifferent, she has become surprisingly affectionate. It's been nice to have her companionship. And then there is Facetime and Whatsapp. Thanks to them, I've been able to keep in touch with my family in the US and with dear friends in Italy and France. And I've made new friends...friends I plan to keep long after this virus has run it's course.
I've discovered the joys of Carrefour drive, placing compact orders of groceries that I can fit into a tail bag on my motorcycle. What a pleasure it is to make the 14 kilometer round-trip once a week! Any (legal) excuse to get out on my bike is a very, very good one.
I go outside for a run or a walk every day that I can, within the legal time limit of one hour, and maximum distance of 1 kilometer from my domicile. It means a lot of running back and forth, but at least I'm running!
As I have said, I have counted my blessings. My friends in Italy have had it so much worse, for so much longer, than I. It breaks my heart to see their families sick, and to watch friends here in France lose loved ones to this plague.
And as for you dear reader- I hope you are well. I'm sure you have had interesting experiences and have many stories to tell about this historic time. I hope you too will share them. And.. I hope to see you out on the road in the weeks to come, in person or in photos. Monday, May 11th, I will have the right to ride up to 100 kilometers from my home. And I plan to do exactly THAT!
Women Riders coronavirus covid19 Italy Griso
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